AICE Marine Science Resources
The following resources are available on TPT for teaching an AICE Marine Science course. The resources listed on this page are all included in the AICE Marine Growing Bundle. This an advanced, tested course, that is part of a program that some schools offer. Please note: These products are not endorsed or produced by Cambridge. The information in the resources is aligned with the syllabus, but there is no affiliation with the program.
Already purchased the Growing Bundle? Keep an eye out for new items. You have access to all future additions
★ indicates the most popular Wild Blue resources, with one or more 5 star reviews. Many are still new and have no reviews yet.
Introduction to AICE Marine Science
Consider using 5.1 as an introduction to the course. This unit introduces the ocean zones and can be used to review basic abiotic and biotic factors of the oceans, as well as the ocean names and locations, and the climate zones. Practical Skills are also listed here, as many teachers prefer to introduce this topic early on, and then continuously hit on the concepts throughout the year (you will find Practical Skills utilized throughout the review materials for Units 1-5).
First Week of School / Intro to AICE Science!
5.1 Notes - The Open Ocean (Intro to Oceans) (link)
5.1 Group Graphing Activity (FREE Link)
First Day/Week Activity - Scientist Sort (link) FREE on TPT ★
First Day/Week Activity Icebreaker - Group Puzzle Challenge (link) large maps needed ★
Intro to Practical Skills
Practical Skills - Notes and Quiz (link) New! Nov 21
Experimental Design - Identifying Variables and groups (link) ★ New to bundle! Nov 20
Experimental Design - Understanding and Graphing Data (digital) (link) ★ New to bundle! Nov 20
Estuary Case Study - Data Analysis Activity (link) ★
Unit 1 Water
1.1 Water / 1.2 Solubility in Water / 1.3 Density and Pressure
Bellwork / Warm-ups / Quick Reviews for all of Unit 1 (link)
1.1 Notes and Quiz - Particle Theory and Bonding (link) ★
1.1 Review of Atomic structures (link)
1.2 Notes and Quiz - Solubility in Water (link)
1.2 Lab Activity - Mixing saltwater (link)
1.2 Lab Activity - Measuring pH (FREE Link)
1.3 Notes and Quiz - Density and Pressure (link)
1.3 Review of Density and Seawater (link)
Exam Style Practice Questions for Unit 1 (link)
Flash Cards for exam review - Unit 1 (link)
UNIT 1 BUNDLE is now complete and includes everything listed here for $20 (link)
Unit 2 Earth Processes
2.1 Tectonic Processes / 2.2 Weathering, Erosion, Sedimentation / 2.3 Tides and Currents
Bellwork / Warm-ups / Quick Reviews for all of Unit 2 (link)
2.1 Notes - Tectonic Processes (link) ★
2.1 Review of Plate Tectonics and Seafloor (link)
2.2 Notes - Weathering, Erosion, and Sedimentation (link)
2.2 Lab Activity and Experimental Design - Chemical Erosion of Seashells (FREE… coming soon)
2.3 Notes - Tides and Ocean Currents (link)
2.3 Review of Tides and Ocean Currents (link)
El Nino mapping and graphing activity (link) ★
Exam Style Practice Questions for Unit 2 (link)
UNIT 2 BUNDLE is complete and includes everything listed here for $25 (link)
Unit 3 Interactions in Marine Ecosystems
3.1 Interactions / 3.2 Feeding Relationships / 3.3 Nutrient Cycles
Bellringers for all of Unit 3 (link) New! 11/5
3.1 Notes - Interactions (link) ★
3.1 Review - Symbiotic Relationship and Biological Drawing Practice (link)
3.2 Notes - Feeding Relationships (link) ★
3.2 Review - Feeding Relationships (link)
Case Study: Energy Transfer in a Kelp Forest (link) ★
Case Study: Crown of thorns starfish (link) ★
3.3 Notes - Nutrient Cycles (link) ★
3.3 Digital Review - Nutrient Cycling in the Oceans (link)
Carbon Cycle Dice Game (link) ★
Photosynthesis Lab Activity with probes printable (Free Link)
Blue Carbon Reading Assignment (link)
Exam Style Practice Questions for Unit 3 (link) New! 11/19
BINGO Game for Unit 1-3 Review (link) ★
UNIT 2 BUNDLE is complete and includes everything listed here for $30 (link)
Unit 4 Classification and Biodiversity
4.1 Classification / 4.2 Key Groups / 4.3 Biodiversity / 4.4 Sampling Techniques
Bellringers for all of Unit 4 (coming this Fall!)
4.1 and 4.2 Notes - Classification / Key Groups of Marine Organisms (link) ★
4.1 and 4.2 Review Sheets and Key Species Sheets (coming this Fall!)
Dichotomous Key for Bony Fish (link) ★
Copepods Reading Assignment (link)
Lab Activity - Dogfish Shark External Anatomy (link) ★
4.3 and 4.4 Notes - Biodiversity / Populations and Sampling Techniques (link)
Simpson’s Index Practice Sheet (link)
Lincoln’s Index Practice Sheet (link) ★
4.4 Sampling Techniques Activity (coming this Fall!)
Exam Style Practice Questions for Unit 4 (coming this Fall!)
Unit 5 Examples of Marine Ecosystems
5.2 Tropical Coral Reefs / 5.3 The Rocky Shore / 5.4 The Sandy Shore / 5.5 Mangroves
Note: Unit 5.1 The Open Ocean is listed at the top of this page under Introduction to AICE Marine Science
Bellringers for all of Unit 5 (coming this Fall!)
5.1 Review Slides and Review Sheets (coming this Fall!)
5.2 Notes and Quiz - The Tropical Coral Reef (link)
5.2 Review of Coral Polyps (coming this Fall!)
Coral reproduction and restoration videos
Case Study: Acropora Corals (link)
5.3 and 5.4 Notes and Quiz - The Rocky & Sandy Shore (link) quiz soon
5.4 Review of Sandy Shores and more (link)
5.5 Notes and Quiz - The Mangrove Forest (link) quiz soon ★
5.5 Review Sheet on Mangroves (coming this Fall!)
Cumulative Review Slides - one for each Ecosystem (link) ★
Exam Style Practice Questions for Unit 5 (coming this Fall!)
Exam Review Materials
Flash Cards for Unit 1 (link)
Flash Cards for Unit 2 (link)
Flash Cards for Unit 3 (coming this Fall!)
Flash Cards for Unit 4 (coming this Fall!)
Flash Cards for Unit 5 (coming this Fall!)
What to do After the Exam? (coming this Fall / FREE!)
Please Read!
Please be aware that is some overlap if you have purchased the Marine Science Full Year Bundle in the past . If you have purchased my Full Year Bundle for regular Marine, you will see a few items are the same (for example: El Nino Assignment, Acropora Case Study, Bony Fish Dichotomous Key). Although there are no full slideshows that are the same, you will see some slides that look familiar from the other bundle. The organization of topics, the matching to the syllabus, all of the review and practice assignments, and the depth of the information covered in this covered is unique to teaching an AICE course.
Like any tested, advanced course... teaching an AICE course is a big task. It is very time consuming and a lot of work must be devoted to preparing students for the exam. Please understand that purchasing this bundle is not a no-prep solution teaching to this course. It is important that you still become familiar with the course syllabus and key concepts, still utilize past exams, and find ways to incorporate practical skills into your classroom. The purpose of this bundle is simply to save you time by providing a bulk of the resources that you need for the year :)